Thursday, 31 March 2011

Making music

Today Junior M made music with the musical instruments that we made on Friday in Art. All these instruments were made with recycled materials that we brought in from home. 
Have anyone else made their own musical instruments before?

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Ambient Orchestras

Yesterday John and Lex from Ambient Orchestras ( spent the day with all the Juniors at school. They showed us how to create a musical performance that used all the performing arts we have been exploring. We divided into 4 groups and made our own songs, dances, costumes and backgrounds, with the theme of seasons.
To make this a really successful day there is one thing in particulalr that we needed to do.
Can you guess what it was?

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Learning from the Seniors

On tuesday the grade 5/6's visited the Juniors and showcased their talents in the areas of Singing, Dancing, Drama and Music. Not only was it a lot of fun, but the Juniors learnt something new about themselves, as well as the Seniors.

What are your talents and how did you learn them? Please share with us in the comments section.

Our Term 3 Learning about Australian History

Name Reflection on the learning of history this term and our presentations today Tara This morning in Middle S ...