Wednesday, 22 August 2012

First Communion

On Sunday August 19th all the grade 4's went to church and we received Jesus in the form the first Eucharist and some people received a blessing.  The grade 4's have taken another step closer to Jesus.

Madeleine - the grade 4's looked lovely in their clothes and they did well walking up to the altar to get the bread for the first time
Nick - We were all very happy. After, the Mass we went into the hall and had our breakfast. Then we all went home - some of us had parties with our families
Laura - receiving my Holy Communion means I'm taking a step closer to Jesus and I'm in his family. Everyone looked lovely in their dresses and suits
Georgia - I thought it was special because we had our family there and I think it was nice that they were there to support us. I really enjoyed it
Gemma - I really enjoyed it because we got to see everyone in their clothes and we got to receive the bread. When we went to the hall it was fun because we got to have our mini breakfast. My uncle and aunty kept coming up to me and taking photos, which was surprising
Daniel - Receiving my first communion made me feel closer to God. Coming up to receive the bread was special
Amber - I got a special blessing and I felt really welcomed when the other grade 4's made their first communion.
Matt - I really enjoyed my first communion because it was a fun day, I got to sing up at the altar and everyone looked really fancy in their clothes. It was really nice that the parents made a breakfast after our Mass. We received special medals for making our First Communion

Photos from the day can be seen on Middle C's blog


  1. Hi Middle S and C, I thought you all looked beautiful. The communion ceremony was lovely and you all did a fantastic job of reading and singing. You should all be very proud of the commitment you have made to God. God bless you all. Joanne

  2. Hi Middle S & Middle C,
    You all did us proud.

    It is great to see you all dressed up for the speical occassion. I loved all your readings and singing.
    Im sure all your parents are very proud of you along with your teachers.
    Thank you also to the grade 5 for putting on a fanastic breakfast it was much appreciated.
    Thanks for the photos Mr Crowe they captured the special day.
    With thanks

  3. Congratulations Grade 4 on such a special communion day. You all did a great job, in whatever way you were involved in the communion ceremony. It was great to see you all looking so nicely dressed for the occasion, and you were all very confident in what you were doing. You made us all very proud. All of the friends and relations who came to help celebrate with us, commented on what a wonderful day it was, so I hope you all felt very special, and enjoyed the day, as much as we did.
    A big thanks to you all, both staff and students.

  4. It was great to see everyoned involved in the special day, singing, reading or in the Offertory procession. I still remember the day I received my first Eucharist, the day before I turned 7. I remember feeling very nervous beforehand, but very happy afterwards. I hope you remember this day for your lifetime too, and continue to receive Jesus as often as you can. Remember to continue to 'spread Eucharist' by being kind to others!
    Mrs Bellesini :)

  5. Great photos, it was such a beautiful day


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