Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Our handspans

Today in Middle S we discussed what handspans are and how they are used as a way to measure length, width and height. We traced our own hands, cut them out and measured (in centimetres) our handspan. Then we ordered them from smallest to longest. The majority of our class has a handspan of 15cm. The shortest was 12 cms and the longest was 20cms.
Can you share with us your handspan (in centimetres) and what you might measure with this informal unit?


  1. Hi Middle S,
    What a great idea! My handspan is 16 centimetres in length.
    Mrs David

  2. thats a great idea could you guess how long the longest persons hand is?


Our Term 3 Learning about Australian History

Name Reflection on the learning of history this term and our presentations today Tara This morning in Middle S ...