Friday, 18 July 2014

Term 3 and Australian History

After watching this video about the First Australians, these are some of our initial questions and discoveries about Australian History...

Why did the English Dance with the Aborigines? - Molly
A family got murdered for stealing a bag of potato. Did the Aboriginals use horses for trasnport? - Aerodyne
Why did the Aborigines cry and shout because Bennelong left? -Natalia
When the world was made was every country joined? - Jamie
The Aboriginals said ''take off your clothes'' to whoever came and was wearing clothes, because they didn't know if they were a boy or a girl - Jake
How many ships went to Australia? - Lachlan
I wonder what Sydney Cove looked like then - Cooper
How did Captain Cook know where Australia was? - Angelo
Who had the biggest impact in Australian history? - Riley
How was small pox introduced? - Ryan
How did Indigenous Australians live? - James
Why did Bennelong survive small pox and how? - Adol
Why were the Aborigines turned into stone? - Sienna
What was Australia like before the Englishmen discovered Australia? - Oscar
Why did the Englishmen execute the Aborigines? - Jacob
How many Aborigines got killed by the Englishmen and why did they go there? - Jenny
How did the Aborigines get small pox?-  Jack
Why did the Englishmen call Australia, "Australia"? - Natasha

Did you know about these events? Can you answer any of our questions? We'd love to hear from you!


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Our Term 3 Learning about Australian History

Name Reflection on the learning of history this term and our presentations today Tara This morning in Middle S ...