Thanks Alexander for creating this slide show and sharing it with the class. Unfortunately, in between participating in Friday morning mass and attending Cross Country running after recess, we only put a small dent in our reflections...😁
Saturday, 27 May 2017
Friday, 19 May 2017
Reflecting on Week 5
Reflection on what you learnt this week
In week 5 the middles went to healesville sanctuary.It Took one hour to get there! When we got there the first animal we saw was a koala next thing we saw (that was all other the place) was the ibis bird. Then we split up into groups. I was in Richard’s group.the first thing we saw the
On Tuesday we went to Healesville sanctuary with all the middles. It took one hour was to get there but it was worth it. When we got there we saw some other schools. Healesville staff came out and showed us where we can have our brain food. There were big birds that were walking around and one of them stole someone's lunch. After our brain food a lady came out and told us a bit about birds. Did you know that the orange bellied parrot flew from Tasmania to Australia for two months in total. So then we got split up in groups. I was in miss Jordan's group. First we went to the Tasmanian devil then the wombat then the birds then we went to spirit of the sky that was so cool. We saw very rare birds and beautiful colors. Then my group went to have lunch Jake,Max,Sam said that we should have a girls table and a boys table. The boys table had bird poop on it so they did not sit there. Miss Jordan went to get a coffee so she left the table. Eva started talking to a stranger and then everyone started talking to a stranger but except me. Then i told everyone stranger danger but they kept on talking until miss Jordan came back. Then miss Jordan started talking to the stranger then Celia said miss Jordan should not be talking to a stranger. After lunch we went to play in the playground that was so fun. Miss Jordan had to leave because Joshua.d was sick so Ms Scott took us with Michelle jack's mum came with us so again we went to the birds then then we were invited to go to see the reptiles that was quite creepy because there was a lot of snakes and lizards. Were asking the lady lots of questions but she only answered yes and no. We got Pat the snake and tack photos. Then ms Scott and our group went to the toilet and then we had to go home because there was nothing else to see so we went on the bus and left. Then on wednesday we had the maths night some kids came lat and some kids did not come. The two stations i went on was middles and senior k. In middle s the first game was the a word game. We had to answer the maths question five times and then move on the next game. So the next game me an
In this week on Tuesday we went to healesville sanctuary we learnt about animals they were all so interesting I learnt a lots of lot about animals one that I found interesting was that a dingo was meant to be called a tingo someone made a mistake first of all we saw a lady she told us that there was a orange bellied parrots that traveled to a country and it took it 74 hours that made 8 weeks to fly to that country she said that their is only 14 orange bellied parrot left in the wild they have some orange bellied parrot in the zoo we saw Tasmanian devil they were fighting my favorite animal that i found interesting was the dingo and the snake because what i found interesting about the snake was that it can smell what you ate and what you have for a pet it can smell your pet we also got to feel the snake it felt like a rubber and other people also thought that to we went to the bird show we saw lots of birds they flew over our heads one that made me laugh was the end because there was a talking bird that will answer all of your questions and he will say hi we were also in groups in my group i had Chantelle and Jake and Max and Sam and Anouk and Celia and Maddie.k and we had a parent leader leader called Michelle. My group leader was Mrs Jordan we visited so many animals i found mostly all of them interesting guess what while we were walking we saw Alexander lost we let him in our group until we find his group we found his group when we were having lunch when we first arrived there and we were having recess a bird came and it looked funny looking he stole max’s sandwich and then another bird came and tried to get it of it and they kept on fighting over the sandwich everyone was laughing some people were scared of the bird they looked like they had black faces and black eyes and white skin peeled from the back of her head people when we were having a break we sat down and started eating the rest of our food in our lunch box then we saw a lady with pink hair and she looked creepy to me and Chantelle she started talking to us then Celia and Maddie.k started talking to her after a while the birds came back and they tried to steal my sandwich they kept on coming back for my sandwich then miss Jordan came and started talking to the lady to then I just talked to her once and Chantelle she didn't talk to her not once when all of us finished eating our sandwich we went to the playground to play we played tiggy with the other groups it was fun then we had a toilet break after that we went to see other zoo animals we went to see the animals that come out in the dark we saw possums and other different type of possums some were small and some were middle size and some were big and when we went to a bird place there was a bird and he pooped on Jake on his shoulder and he’s back pack on the shoulder handle we got to feed the birds we feed the bird some honey bird thing we after it was time to meet the other groups and there was only one more hour and then we are going back on the bus then my group went to see the snake first we had to go the animals that come out at night then we went thru a tunnel and we saw the snake everyone was gathered around each other to see the snake and we saw other snakes there some are in a tank and there was a lady in the other room holding a snake to there was also a big TV that showed snakes so after all the lady said that this snake can smell what you ate for lunch or recess I was surprised I really wanted to hold the snake then she said that the snake knows what pet you have and if you touched it or not and she also said that we can hold the snake and well in a big line to font then second once we had our turn we had to go out the exit and wait until the others had finished their turn of patting the snake and have a feel of it and once everyone had have a feel of the snake we went to the bus and went back to school.
In week 5 the Middles went to Healesville Sanctuary. First we saw orange bellied parrot in a cage
And there were not many orange bellied parrots. After that, we saw the baby possum and it got fed by the keeper. Next, we went to the platypus house and also saw the emus.
On Tuesday we went to healesville sanctuary with middle M and we went in too to groups and I had Mrs Mackey.We lost Alexander we had lots of fun! We took lots of photos and saw lots of animals and herd of animals that I never heard of.All of the animals were so interesting a dingo was meant to be a tingo. A lady said that a Orange bellied parrot it took 72 hours which is 8 weeks we saw endangered birds and that bird show was amazingly great there was one that could talk and the bird's name was Kevin and he said Hi and we partied a snake if we wanted to we saw the Tasmanian devil and the history to England people heard a terrible noise and so they called them Tasmanian devil because the of the noise they made. They have a disease that isn’t good for them.
On Tuesday all the middles went to healesville sanctuary and I saw a lot of animals and the orange bellied parrot and there are wild and I also sore the Emu and I fed it and it falt weird and I also sore the tasty devil and it was cute and we saw the bird show and there was an Eagle and it was big and there was a wedge tailed eagle and it had very big wings and it was enormous and there was a lot of re birds and the eagle swooped down at the crowded and it touched my brothers hair and it made a lot of nose and it was loud and l love eagle and my favorite animal was the eagle because it swoops at the crowd and it was so cool.
On tuesday Middle.s and Middle.m went on a excursion to Healesville sanctuary.We saw lots of Animals we got to pat a snake and we even got to take photos.We got separated in groups and they was lots and lots of birds they was tall trees and lots of rocks.In my group had my best friends.We also did maths on location and maps and we had a really fun week.My favorite Animal was the poisonous frogs and the platypus in one of the enclosure was really dirty
On Tuesday we went to healesville sanctuary and we saw the amazing bird show. The owl flow over our head very fast. There was a parrot talking too.
On Tuesday the middles went on and excursion to Healesville Sanctuary. We learnt about the Orange bellied parrot and pigmy possum. We are learning about mapping in maths and we went to the zoo and were working our way around the zoo.
Maddie w
This week was very exciting week for Middle S.On tuesday the middles went to healesville sanctuary zoo and we went in to groups and i was in miss macky group.we went to healesville because our inquiry topic is biological (animals) . We saw lots of animal.Did you know that the tassie devil can rip a tire with there mouth and a lion can’t.We had lots of fun. We also are doing mapping for maths this week. And the website we used is Smash maths-home sheep home.including all of my week it has great!
This week we went to healesville sanctuary we saw lots of animals and even we saw a snake and it was very fun. On wednesday we had our specialists so we did s.e.l which stands for social emotional learning and sport. And the last thing on Wednesday is we go to library. On thursday we did Italian performing, arts ,maths ,art and writing. And on Friday we did cross country practice but we did not do it so we did sport. And also on this friday we had fun friday assembly
Guess what on Tuesday all the middles went to healesville sanctuary!it was really fun. We learnt that there are only 14 orange bellied parrot left.Also this week we have have had maths night and today the middles and the seniors have cross country. Adding to healesville sanctuary we also went to the spirits of the sky show and there was eagles,cockatoos and parrots and the eagles and parrots were swooping everybody it was awesome.when we were having brain food we saw two ibises and one of them ate maxes lunch and every time we ate they hovered all around us. Also during lunch Chantelle, Sophie S, Madeleine K and I talked to a lady with pink hair but she was really nice.The ibis also took Madeleine Ks cheese and bacon roll. We just found out that cross country practice is cancelled.
Madeleine K
This week we went to healesville sanctuary we saw lots of animals it was so fun some people did the note taking and some people did the map reading i did the map reading we went into groups there was 3 groups and in the groups there was 1 teacher and some mums and dads.
We went there for the whole day we ate morning tea’ snack and lunch.We saw a bird show and one of the parrots said hi and the man said are you scarier than a lion and the parrot said roar.I even saw some animals what i have never saw before.I went with Mrs Jordon my group was
This week the middles went to healesville sanctuary.We went to the kangaroos first. Kangaroos are very powerful. Tasmanian devils can bite through a tire.
On Tuesday week 5 we went to Healesville Sanctuary it was very fun we saw Kangaroos, dingoes, wallabies, all types of birds talking about birds we saw a bird show. I learnt that there are many birds that are endangered because people are hunting lots of birds plus trees are getting cut down.
In week 5 the middles went to Healesville Sanctuary. It took 1 hour from St.Luke to Healesville on the bus. It was very foggy and cold when we got to Healesville. We saw a lot of animals which was really cool and fun! We learnt a lot of things like there are only 14 orange bellied parrots in the wild, The orange bellied parrot can fit in your palm. We also saw a lot of interesting things at Healesville Sanctuary like the really cool spirit of the sky show. We saw the Tasmanian devil which I think is the only zoo outside of Tasmania that has it. We saw a lot of cool and unique animals all other Healesville sanctuary. We saw Tasmanian Devils, Kangaroos, Wombats, Reptiles, Birds and more. We were in Caitlin's mums group with Me, Rosie, Caitlin, Hamish, Frances, Bianca, Stephanie and Daniel. It was a really good experience and hope we will do it again!
On Tuesday the Middles classes went to Healesville Sanctuary. It took 1 hour to get there from St. Luke's. On the bus when we were leaving it was really foggy, we could barely see out the bus window. When we got to Healesville Sanctuary it was very cold and wet. But in the afternoon it was getting warmer sunny. One things at Healesville that I learnt was that there is only 14 orange belly parrots in the wild. The people in group were Caitlin, Rosie, Patrick, Hamish, Stephanie, Daniel, Yar and Bianca; and our group leader was Caitlin's mum Suzi.
On Tuesday we went to Healesville Sanctuary it was so cool. It took one hour to get there.The people in my group were Maddie W, Emma, Alexander, Nicolas, Declan,Joel. First we met Bree she told us a story about the Orange bellied parrot they fly from Melbourne to Tasmania and it takes 2 months to get there there are now only 14 left in the wild they are endangered. Another thing we went to see the Tasmanian Devils.Now almost all of the Tasmanian Devils are in Zoos around Australia they will release them when they know the disease is off the island. We also went to the bird show it was so cool.after we went to the bird show we got to feed some birds it was so awesome but it was very loud after that we went to go to the Reptile House. Bree was holding a snake and if you didn’t want to touch it you would go outside but I think it was understandable if you didn’t want to touch the snake it was pretty big but I still touched it it was lumpy and squishy it felt so weird
Did you know This week our class went to Healesville Sanctuary, we saw the emus, spirits of the sky show, Tasmanian devils, platypus land, the kookaburras, dingos, land of parrots and animals of the night. I think there were more but that’s all i remember. The first Animal we saw where the Koalas along with free roaming Ibis’s. my favourite place that we went to was the animals of the night area. Animals of the night has Mountain Pygmy-possums, Bilbies, Bandicoots, Gliders/sugar gliders, hopping mice and many more. Some mysterious creatures in the animals of the night house, and another word might be nocturnal creatures. But Did you know that dingoes should be called tingos. Apart from that, this week has been busy and jam packed with new adventures because we also had cross country practise which got canceled, a sausage sizzle and a couple nights ago it was family maths night plus school photos was on Wednesday so only one day has actually been normal, monday!
This week was was a jam-packed week. First we went to Healesville Sanctuary sanctuary this end it was maths night. Today it’s finally cross country! On tuesday we went to Healesville Sanctuary. First we saw some free roaming ibis . One of them stole someone's sandwich. Then we saw the kangaroos. I even got to pat a snake { it was a live snake }. In animals of the night there were mice and even some baby bilbies.
I actually got to go the emus. I love dingos and living with them believe it or not was a big, hairy actually giant dog and he protected them and made sure they were always safe.
On tuesday the middles went to Healesville sanctuary.
We learned more about animals some that I did not know overall it was really fun.
This was the best excursion yet.
There was this very funny because it could say hello he roared like a tiger.
In the bird show we saw a 49 year old wedged tail eagle.
There was a tree over 250 years old and also over 200 years old.
Guess what? An ibis took Max.k sandwich.
There is only 14 Orange Bellied Parrots left in the wild.
This week the middles went to healesville sanctuary .The first animal we saw was a Koala. I took 2 or 3 picture of them Then Bree one of the zookeeper told us about the Orange Bellied Parrot. There only 14 in the wild.Then we went to the group that Ms Scott told us to.
This week the middles went to Healesville Sanctuary on tuesday and I saw birds and a komodo dragon and I went to the platypus show and I learnt that male platypus have a poisonous thing on their front fins and the lady could not put her hands down because she could get hurt. The male could poison her and there were snakes and emus and i went to the bird show. I saw a whiplash bird crack a emu's egg and i saw a cockatoo came out and when it landed it Said wigs are important.
This week was a very exciting week.
My year level went to Healesville sanctuary to help learn about biology. I learnt that if a fight gets too rough the yabbie will leave it's claw behind as a distraction, at healesville sanctuary they've bred 250 Tasmanian devils and that a dingo should be called a tingo because when the English came to Australia they didn't say it correctly. At school we had maths night and the focus was for the parents to learn how we learn at school and to create a positive attitude about maths. |
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Our School had a Family Math's Night.
The Middles classes focused on Multiplication and the games, tasks and strategies we use to develop multiplicative thinking.
Here are photos from our class...
Here are photos from our class...
Our Excursion to Healesville Sanctuary
Here are some of our photos from the day...

Thursday, 11 May 2017
Bird drawings in pencil and pastel
Today, Middle S continued their nature drawings that connect to our exploration of biology and science this term, by drawing birds from step by step instructions or videos online.
Bird drawings in pencil and pastel on PhotoPeach
Bird drawings in pencil and pastel on PhotoPeach
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